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Math Stars 4


The Math Stars Primary intend to instill in students a love for learning Mathematics and encouraging them all to become Math Superstars. The lessons are presented in a way such that the learners are able to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. At every level the topics comprise of the 4 strands which are underpinned by reasoning and logical thinking and supported by enough practice exercises. These strands include Number and Operations, Algebra, Geometry and Measurement, and Data Handling.

Math Stars 4 will encourage the child to develop keen interest in Maths. It has been designed keeping in mind the requirements of 9-plus year olds and to increase the child’s love for Maths. The book is divided into 5 components which are Factual Texts, Numbers to million, Geometry, Arithmetic, and Time and Measurement. The book ensures steady and gradual progression in acquiring new mathematical skills. Students will learn how to find out the least common factors. The students will also learn how to round off the nearest whole number.

Class: 4

ISBN: 978-969-677-026-8

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